We are a charity pre-school, so help is essential to keep us going
Pre-School Garden Improvement Project
Over the last few years Preschool have been raising funds to make improvements to our
large garden area. The progress we have made so far is:
1) Our treasurer built a large covered area to use as a story telling area or stage.
2) We built an allotment where the children have been planting, tending and
harvesting salad and vegetables.
3) We had a mural of the Gruffalo story painted on a garden wall.
4) An open fronted playhouse has become a ‘Gruffalo beach hut’ and our treasurer has
been busy over the summer building a wooden trough at child height for the sand.
Further sand and tools and painting are still to be done – we were lucky to be part of
the Tesco blue coin programme to raise money towards this and were delighted to be awarded first place of £1500
5) Lyn and I attended ‘Forest school training’ so we could incorporate some of those ideas into our preschool (those which don’t need an actual forest!)
6) A new gate has been installed in the garden.
7) Next Stage- We have now gathered enough funds to have a wooden climbing apparatus with slide erected, however some ground preparation needs to be done in the spring before it can be installed. We need to take the surface off the grass, level it as much as possible and lay new turf. A pathway up to the climbing apparatus and an area around it will have a soft surface which the grass can grow up through and be mown over. We are hoping to gather together some willing helpers to come in and help with this preparation work in the spring. If you feel able to help with this could you please let us know and we will start a list and contact you nearer the time.
If you work for a company who may offer a discount for a registered charity on tool hire or turf that would also be much appreciated!
We are currently (Feb-April 24), part of the blue coin programme at Tesco Lunsford Park to help raise funds for this.
We have a Friends of Ditton Church Pre School group which is similar to a PTA at school. We are currently raising funds for our garden improvement project. Do you work for a company whose resources would be of use to Pre-school?
For example, do you benefit from a discount scheme? Or do you have access to art and craft materials, garden equipment, plants and flowers, printing supplies etc.?
We also support other charity events such as Sport Relief and Children in Need.
We actively encourage you to be involved in the life of our Pre-School. There are a number of ways in which you may be able to help.
Ditton Church Pre-School is run by a Management Committee, who hold meetings once a term and are actively involved in the day to day running of our Pre-School. We also have a small group of parents who work together to organise events such as coffee mornings, social evenings and fairs.
You may feel that you would like to join the Management Committee or parent team to help to organise events.
We do have a parent’s rota for helping during Pre-School sessions, but appreciate some parents are not able to do this. There may be other ways that you feel able to help. These include washing of toys, cooking, cutting out, dressmaking or helping to maintain the Pre-School garden.
We would love you to be as involved as you are able to. Please ask a member of staff if you would like more information or complete the slip below and return to Pre-School.
The Pre-School has charitable status (charity registration no: 1139117) and our charitable objectives are:
To enhance the development and education of children primarily under statutory school age by encouraging parents to understand and provide for the needs of their children through community groups and by:
Click here to see our Constitution
Offering appropriate play facilities and training courses, together with the right of parents to take responsibility for and to become involved in the activities of such groups, ensuring that such groups offer opportunities for all children whatever their race, culture, religion, means
or ability;
Encouraging the study of the needs of such children and their families and promoting public interest in and recognition of such needs in the local areas;
Instigating and adhering to and furthering the aims of the Pre-School.
The Committee is made up of parent and church representatives and is chaired by the Rector of St Peter’s Ditton. The Committee are responsible for the overall management and smooth running of the setting. Each member of the Committee has a role;
Garden Maintenance
Health and Safety
PCC member
Vice Chairperson
Social Secretary
Fundraising Secretary
If you are interested in joining our Committee please
Caroline Gibbons
During the early part of the year 2000 when my youngest daughter was nearly 2 years old myself and some friends discussed the Pre School options in the local area for our children. Several of us were members of the church and discussed the possibility of a church community Pre school. Ross was totally in favour of the idea and as I had worked in childcare all my life I had the relevant qualifications to lead the Pre School. After an intensive 9 months of preparation and funding Ditton Church Pre School opened on 9 January 2001 with about 12 children on our register. By the time I left 6 years later we had established ourselves as a popular Pre school. 20 years on the Pre School has gone from strength to strength and I have always kept in touch with staff and committee. I still work in the Early Years sector and it has been a privilege to sit on the committee for the last 8 years or more. I am Vice Chair and meet with Wendy for her appraisal. I am also the Committee rep for Curriculum.
Mike Stevens
I am a retired lecturer in Bookkeeping and Accounting and I believe passionately in the need to educate young children. Although I don't get too involved in the actual mentoring of our young guests at preschool I can sometimes be seen fixing things around the grounds. I also spend quite a lot of time moving numbers around, trying to make ends meet and keeping the books in order.