Creating a safe
learning environment
We tell children to share but online it’s different.
In fact, sometimes sharing online can be dangerous. That’s why we’re asking parents to be Share Aware and keep children safe online. Below we have offered two links to websites created by the NSPCC with advice on helping your child to stay safe on social networks, apps and games.
Website Links:
73% of four year olds use computers with 41% doing so every day. 25% have their own tablet. With this in mind we really need to be vigilant regarding what our children are viewing. Here are a few websites which offer helpful advice regarding online safety for you as well as your children.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Wendy and her deputy for safeguarding matters is Amy.
Lyn is second named deputy DSL.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
When we talk and listen to a child we help them to have a voice. Having a voice that is heard is the most powerful safeguarding tool a child can have.
If you have any concerns about keeping children safe or any questions about our safeguarding policy and procedures, come and see Wendy, Amy or Lyn.
Here are some useful links:
Radicalisation and FGM
Mental Health
Talk PANTS with Pantasourus and his PANTS song. This is a great video created by the NSPCC to help explain to children the necessity of keeping their private parts PRIVATE.
Ditton Book Exchange is run by a group of volunteers from the community.
First and third Monday of every month
2.30pm and 4.30pm
Youth Centre by the sports courts, Ditton
Everyone is welcome and there is a very good selection of adults’ fiction, non-fiction and children’s books of all ages available to borrow. Feel free to browse the shelves and if you do not have a book to bring along to exchange, please go along anyway and start your reading adventure at the Book Exchange! They are looking for volunteers to join their friendly team, if you are interested pop in and see them.
What is the Local Offer?
The Local Offer provides information on what services children, young people and their families can expect from a range of local agencies, including education, health and social care. By knowing what is out there it gives you more choice, which ultimately means more control, over what support is right for your child.
This link is a useful guide if you are concerned about the development of your child's speech
What is included in the Local Offer?
The Local Offer provides information on a number of things, including but not limited to:
Special educational provisions
Health provisions
Social care provisions
Training provisions
Travel arrangements for children and young people to their place of education
Check out the website for more details. We have responded to all the important questions you need answered to make sure your child has found the right setting for them.
Ditton Church Pre-School recognises that each individual child needs to be valued and nurtured throughout the early years of their development. A variety of learning experiences will encourage and enhance development in these areas;
3 Prime Areas
personal, social and emotional development
communication and language
physical development
4 Specific Areas
expressive arts and design
understanding the world
Please click on the link below for more information on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum:
We are in contact with a group of four local Childminders, who work in partnership with Ditton Church Pre-School. They are all Ofsted registered - just the same as Pre-Schools and Nurseries and follow the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) in the same way as Pre-Schools.
The funding can be split between more than one provider: for example, you could use both the Pre-School and a childminder to fulfill your funding.